Hakeem Ladejobi












React Native



Greensock (GSAP)

Styled Components

Tailwind CSS



Sanity - Headless CMS

Picture of the author

Coming soon


I have extensive knowledge of various aspects of web development and am constantly seeking to learn and enhance my skills. I held multiple technical roles within the digital advertising sector for over 5 years before transitioning to web development as a self-taught JavaScript developer. I possess a unique combination of skills that enable me to create innovative solutions for both clients and internal teams.

NeverBland / FullStack JavaScript Developer London – January 2021 – Present

  • Working as part of a small team of under 10 developers, I had the opportunity to work across a wide range of web applications, including large-scale data aggregation apps for the medical industry and smaller games for Christmas.
  • Utilized modern technologies such as React, TypeScript, Prisma, Framer, GraphQL, NX, and Konva to build high-quality applications.
  • Leveraged Node.js and AWS to create real-time, responsive user interfaces and scalable backend systems.
  • Integrated Headless CMS such as Sanity to enable content creators to easily manage the content of web apps.
  • Tech: React, Typescript, Prisma, NextJS, Framer, GSAP, GraphQL, NX, Konva, Tailwind, Styled components, GSAP, Sanity

MediaCom / Senior Technology Engineer London – March 2018 – Dec 2020

  • Troubleshot issues and improved processes to enhance workflow efficiency.
  • Built a custom Chrome extension that added new features to DoubleClick Campaign Manager and automated various tasks using Google APIs.
  • Collaborated with internal teams to identify technical requirements and develop customized solutions to meet business needs

Viant / Tech Producer November 2015 - February 2018

    Gained a promotion from a Junior ad trafficker to becoming an important part of the company as a Tech producer in just over the space of a year through hard work and a willingness to learn. Assist internal teams with Ad ops, programmatic and business intel related issues. Provide QA support for operations Using Google Big Query (SQL) and Tableau to mine data as well as bridge gaps between data systems